
The main principles of the Puigrenier ethics

The company is guided in its daily actions by the desire to offer to the greatest number of consumers access to a noble quality product, rich in taste and nutrients. In order to achieve this objective, we believe that everyone must nevertheless behave ethically in line with current social concerns.

Ethics Charter Respect

Our Ethics Charter sets out all the rules applicable to our employees. It invites each of us to ask ourselves the following questions in our actions and decisions:

  • Is this in line with the values and commitments of the Puigrenier company?
  • Is it legal and compliant with the law?
  • What would be the impact of my actions on our stakeholders and could I justify my decision?
  • Would I feel comfortable if my decision was made public?

A supervised CSR approach

We are committed to adopting a responsible general line of conduct, the guidelines of which are set by our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Steering Committee. This committee takes into account the approaches and reflections of the entire Livestock and Meat sector with active participation in the CSR working groups of the interprofession (INTERBEV) and our professional union (Culture Viande).

Our CSR Steering Committee gathers at least twice a year to set and monitor CSR objectives and focuses on the following major themes

  • Animal Welfare (AWB)
  • Well-being at Work (WOW)
  • The setting up of channels and their contractualisation
  • The Environment
  • Educational information for consumers

Our Management Committee meets once a month to ensure the proper implementation of strategic orientations and to analyse the information provided by all our steering committees (CSR, HR, commerce, industry, quality, management control, etc.).

Regional, sustainable and eco-responsible industries

  • Puigrenier : 100% French / 100% territory

           According to our vision, meat quality can only be achieved under 2 conditions:

1. The requirement

In addition to selecting the best French beef breeds, we market more than 20% of our products through SIQO and our own quality procedures. Because we wish to move towards ever greater quality, we work every day to set up new quality channels with demanding requirements for the common interest of our farmers, our customers and consumers. In the short term, all of these quality initiatives will exceed 30% of our sales, with a medium-term objective set at 50%.

2. The proximity

85% of the animals come from short regional circuits within a radius of around 180 km from our work site. Our approach allows us to ensure close relations with our partners while promoting employment in rural areas that are suffering from desertification, particularly in our mountain areas.

It is this day-to-day work that allows us to work towards a fairer remuneration for all the actors in the sector, in our regions, for a quality and sustainable meat product.

Find out more on our partners

Fighting against food waste

In order to fight against food waste, we work closely with our customers. We scrupulously study the right sizing and packaging of the products we put on the market according to consumer expectations. The perfect control of our manufacturing processes also enables us to optimise the use-by dates that we guarantee to our customers.

We also work with companies in the animal feed industry (PET FOOD) and animal parks to distribute products that have become unsuitable for human consumption.

Extra-Financial Performance Statement

Soon you will be able to consult our voluntary EFR (Extra Financial Performance Statement)! The legislator imposes the EFR on companies with more than 500 employees. Even if we are below the regulatory thresholds, we have decided to provide transparency on the results of our CSR approach.

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